The Girls Night Out Altoona, Inc. (GNOAI) committee presented a check for $47,500, their largest donation to date, to the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center (JMBCC) in support of patient care services. Each year the committee hosts an annual fundraising dinner that brings together breast cancer survivors, family, friends, and supporters. After being …
Read MoreThere is a famous Margaret Mead quote that says, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Nothing could be truer about the small group of local folks who believed that a breast care center in the small town of Windber, …
Read MoreAs part of Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber’s (CSSMCW) commitment to creating a healthier community, we are undertaking a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). The purpose of the CHNA process is to identify and prioritize the most important community needs and priorities and to develop and implement action plans to improve the health of …
Read MoreThe Hiram G. Andrews Center Student Activities Committee presented a check to the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center in the amount of $1,155. They raised funds from selling breast cancer awareness items and holding a basket raffle, Pink Out Day, and Dollar Denim Fridays. Their generous support helps fund Pink Ribbon Care, …
Read MoreThe Christmas Village surrounding a 40-foot Christmas tree in Downtown Johnstown has added some new real estate! Starting this year, visitors will be able to find a castle inspired by the movie …
Employees at Windber Woods raised $500 for the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center during the month of October. They held various fundraisers including sub and pizza sales. Their generous support helps fund Pink Ribbon Care, a program that provides assistance for patients who are unable to pay for breast-related health services – including …
Read MoreTrinity Romesberg, a junior at Slippery Rock University, gathered fellow students to lead exercise classes to raise $135 for the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center. The class themes were based on girl power and included lots of pink. For their participation and donation, attendees were provided with face paint and pink breast cancer …
Read MorePortage Area High School National honor Society held a t-shirt sale and collected donations from faculty and students throughout the month of October, raising $2,206 for the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center. Their generous support helps fund Pink Ribbon Care, a program that provides assistance for patients who are unable to pay for breast-related health …
Read MoreChan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber (CSSMCW) and Indiana Regional Medical Center (IRMC) and have announced a clinical affiliation agreement that will enable the two healthcare providers to coordinate patient care between the two organizations. The overall goal is to preserve and enhance CSSMCW and IRMC as strong providers of high quality, cost-effective healthcare …
Read MoreLast year, as part of the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife” celebration, the American Nurses Association expanded National Nurses Week, traditionally celebrated from May 6 to May 12 each year, to a month-long celebration in May, giving us more opportunities to celebrate nursing.
The ANA has extended the Year of the Nurse and Midwife into …
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