On April 20, Subaru of America, Inc. (�SOA�) and Spangler Subaru today presented a check for $7,658 to the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center (JMBCC) at Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber (CSSMCW). The JMBCC was chosen as a beneficiary in the 2016 Subaru Share the Love event.
Read MoreChan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber (CSSMCW) is pleased to welcome Peter Bertin, DO. Dr. Bertin is fellowship-trained in minimally invasive surgery and endoscopy. He performs a wide range of general surgery with a focus on Metabolic and Bariatric surgery including the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and revisional (second chance) surgery.
Read MoreWindber Hospice at Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber (CSSMCW) received $825 from McIlwain School Bus Lines, who raised funds at their annual Christmas breakfast and basket party.
Read MoreRichland High School�s Key Club raised $2,500 to benefit the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center (JMBCC) in October during their Pink Out Campaign. They raised the money selling T-shirts at school and football games, having dress down days, and a lollipop sale.
Read MoreChildren in the area can now visit Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber (CSSMCW) for Pediatric Modified Barium Swallows (MBS), evaluations that are integral in assessing and ruling out aspiration in the pediatric through adult populations. Specifically, these studies aim to assess the safest consistencies that a patient is able to take without dysphagia or swallowing dysfunction resulting in the risk of aspiration (food and liquids entering the airway).
Read MoreOn November 3, the Windber Health Care Foundation Auxiliary held the 2nd Annual Showcase Chefs event at the Windber Community Building. Local chefs handed out samples of their dishes to more than 175 attendees, who then were asked to �tip� their favorites. The event was a huge success, raising more than $5,000 for hospital projects and equipment at the Chan Soon-Shiong Medical Center at Windber.
Read MoreLisa Holgash of Adams Township and Cathy Fleegle of Berlin say they enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner more this year, thanks to a new procedure being offered at the Windber hospital. Read about the LINX Reflux Management System in this article by The Tribune-Democrat Reporter, Randy Griffith.
Read MoreMembers of the Girls Night Out Altoona, Inc. (GNOAI) committee delivered a donation of $32,500 to the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center (JMBCC) in support of patient care services. Each year, the committee hosts an annual fundraising dinner that brings together breast cancer survivors, family, friends, and supporters.
Read MoreThe Westmont Hilltop High School football team presented a check for $500 to the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center. The team raised the money by selling Pink Out shirts for their home football game against Bishop McCort on Oct. 8. Thomas Honda donated $150 toward the event.
Read MoreArbutus Park Retirement Community raised $1,010 for the Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center by holding a pink gob, pink ribbon lollipop, and cookie sale at their facility. Arbutus also hosted a �Pink Out� Dress-Down Day asking its 280 employees to donate towards the cause.
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