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Genetic Services

Contact Our Windber Medical Center

Please call us at 814-467-0044 to learn more about genetic services and/or the Pink Ribbon Care Program.

Genetic Services for Personalized Healthcare

The Joyce Murtha Breast Care Center in Windber provides hereditary cancer genetic services for both men and women, including those near Johnstown. Our comprehensive genetic testing and counseling services help individuals understand their risk of hereditary cancers. By identifying genetic predispositions, we can develop personalized prevention and early detection strategies. This empowers patients to take proactive steps towards their health. Our dedicated team of professionals ensures you receive the highest quality care and support throughout the process, reinforcing our commitment to the finest breast care in the community

Genetic testing at our facility near Johnstown may benefit you if you have:

  • An increased risk of breast cancer due to family history
  • Multiple cancers on the same side of the family
  • A known mutation in a cancer susceptibility gene within the family
  • Early-age-onset breast cancer
  • Male breast cancer
  • Ashkenazi Jewish descent with breast, ovarian, or pancreatic cancer at any age
  • Had ovarian cancer at any age
  • Endometrial/uterine cancer
  • Colon/rectal cancer
  • Multiple colon polyps

Financial assistance is available to qualifying patients seeking genetic services via The Pink Ribbon Care Program.