This event has been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience. $25 per person – Meal & Entertainment Included Basket Raffle & 50/50 Sponsored by the Windber Health Care Foundation Auxiliary; proceeds will fund hospital projects. Please call 814-467-3705 for tickets.
What is infant and baby massage? What are the benefits? Learn all about it as Physical Therapist Tonya McCool hosts the second of three informational and practice sessions via Zoom. Infant massage encourages a positive bonding activity between parents and their babies that can aid in development of social and emotional skills, cognitive skills, and […]
Community Blood Screen – $30 Includes: CBC (Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, MCV, MPV, Platelets, RBC, WBC, Differential) Albumin, Alk.Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Direct & Total, BUN, Calcium, Chloride, Cholesterol, CO2, Creatinine, Free T4, GFR, GGT, Glucose, HDL, Iron, LDH, LDL, Phosphorus, Potassium, ALT, AST, Sodium, Total Protein, Triglyceride, TSH, Uric Acid Additional Tests Offered: PSA – $20 Hemoglobin A1C […]