Our goal is to help build a community of survivors and fighters to help each other during their breast cancer journey. Join us and share your experiences, concerns, and feelings with others who can understand and relate.
Community Blood Screen – $30 Includes: CBC (Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, MCV, MPV, Platelets, RBC, WBC, Differential) Albumin, Alk.Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Direct & Total, BUN, Calcium, Chloride, Cholesterol, CO2, Creatinine, Free T4, GFR, GGT, Glucose, HDL, Iron, LDH, LDL, Phosphorus, Potassium, ALT, AST, Sodium, Total Protein, Triglyceride, TSH, Uric Acid Additional Tests Offered: PSA – $20 Hemoglobin A1C […]